Amiga Plus 1997 #3
Amiga Plus CD - 1997 - No. 03.iso
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676 lines
jsr ReadMouse
jsr PLR2_alwayskeys
move.l #SineTable,a0
move.w PLR2s_angspd,d1
move.w angpos,d0
and.w #8190,d0
move.w d0,PLR2s_angpos
move.w (a0,d0.w),PLR2s_sinval
adda.w #2048,a0
move.w (a0,d0.w),PLR2s_cosval
move.l PLR2s_xspdval,d6
move.l PLR2s_zspdval,d7
neg.l d6
ble.s .nobug1
asr.l #1,d6
add.l #1,d6
bra.s .bug1
asr.l #1,d6
neg.l d7
ble.s .nobug2
asr.l #1,d7
add.l #1,d7
bra.s .bug2
asr.l #1,d7
move.w ymouse,d3
sub.w oldymouse,d3
add.w d3,oldymouse
asr.w #1,d3
cmp.w #50,d3
ble.s .nofastfor
move.w #50,d3
cmp.w #-50,d3
bge.s .nofastback
move.w #-50,d3
tst.b PLR2_Ducked
beq.s .nohalve
asr.w #1,d3
move.w d3,d2
asl.w #4,d2
move.w d2,d1
move.w d1,d2
add.w PLR2_bobble,d1
and.w #8190,d1
move.w d1,PLR2_bobble
add.w PLR2_clumptime,d2
move.w d2,d1
and.w #4095,d2
move.w d2,PLR2_clumptime
and.w #-4096,d1
beq.s .noclump
bsr PLR2clump
move.w PLR2s_sinval,d1
move.w PLR2s_cosval,d2
move.w d2,d4
move.w d1,d5
muls lrs,d4
muls lrs,d5
muls d3,d2
muls d3,d1
sub.l d4,d1
add.l d5,d2
sub.l d1,d6
sub.l d2,d7
add.l d6,PLR2s_xspdval
add.l d7,PLR2s_zspdval
move.l PLR2s_xspdval,d6
move.l PLR2s_zspdval,d7
add.l d6,PLR2s_xoff
add.l d7,PLR2s_zoff
tst.b PLR2_fire
beq.s .firenotpressed
; fire was pressed last time.
btst #6,$bfe001
bne.s .firenownotpressed
; fire is still pressed this time.
st PLR2_fire
bra .donePLR2
; fire has been released.
clr.b PLR2_fire
bra .donePLR2
; fire was not pressed last frame...
btst #6,$bfe001
; if it has still not been pressed, go back above
bne.s .firenownotpressed
; fire was not pressed last time, and was this time, so has
; been clicked.
st PLR2_clicked
st PLR2_fire
bsr PLR2_fall
move.l #KeyMap,a5
moveq #0,d7
move.b operate_key,d7
move.b (a5,d7.w),d1
beq.s .nottapped
tst.b OldSpace
bne.s .nottapped
move.b d1,OldSpace
move.b duck_key,d7
tst.b (a5,d7.w)
beq.s .notduck
clr.b (a5,d7.w)
move.l #playerheight,PLR2s_targheight
not.b PLR2_Ducked
beq.s .notduck
move.l #playercrouched,PLR2s_targheight
move.l PLR2_Roompt,a4
move.l ToZoneFloor(a4),d0
sub.l ToZoneRoof(a4),d0
tst.b PLR2_StoodInTop
beq.s .usebottom
move.l ToUpperFloor(a4),d0
sub.l ToUpperRoof(a4),d0
cmp.l #playerheight+3*1024,d0
bgt.s .oktostand
st PLR2_Ducked
move.l #playercrouched,PLR2s_targheight
move.l PLR2s_height,d0
move.l PLR2s_targheight,d1
cmp.l d1,d0
beq.s .noupordown
bgt.s .crouch
add.l #1024,d0
bra .noupordown
sub.l #1024,d0
move.l d0,PLR2s_height
tst.b $27(a5)
beq.s .notselkey
clr.b PLR2PATH
clr.b PLR2JOY
tst.b $26(a5)
beq.s .notseljoy
clr.b PLR2KEYS
clr.b PLR2PATH
tst.b $37(a5)
beq.s .notselmouse
clr.b PLR2KEYS
clr.b PLR2PATH
clr.b PLR2JOY
lea 1(a5),a4
lea PLR2_GunData,a3
move.l #GUNVALS,a2
move.w #4,d1
move.b (a2)+,d0 ; number of gun
tst.b (a4)+
beq.s .notgotweap
moveq #0,d2
move.b d0,d2
asl.w #5,d2
tst.b 7(a3,d2.w)
beq.s .notgotweap
move.b d0,PLR2_GunSelected
dbra d1,.pickweap
tst.b $43(a5)
beq.s .notswapscr
tst.b lastscr
bne.s .notswapscr2
st lastscr
not.b BIGsmall
beq.s .dosmall
jsr putinlargescr
bra .notswapscr2
jsr putinsmallscr
bra .notswapscr2
clr.b lastscr
move.l #SineTable,a0
jsr PLR2_alwayskeys
move.l #KeyMap,a5
move.w PLR2s_angpos,d0
move.w PLR2s_angspd,d3
move.w #35,d1
move.w #2,d2
moveq #0,d7
move.b run_key,d7
tst.b (a5,d7.w)
beq.s .nofaster
move.w #60,d1
move.w #3,d2
tst.b PLR2_Ducked
beq.s .nohalve
asr.w #1,d2
moveq #0,d4
move.w d3,d5
add.w d5,d5
add.w d5,d3
asr.w #2,d3
bge.s .nneg
addq #1,d3
move.b turn_left_key,templeftkey
move.b turn_right_key,temprightkey
move.b sidestep_left_key,tempslkey
move.b sidestep_right_key,tempsrkey
move.b force_sidestep_key,d7
tst.b (a5,d7.w)
beq .noalwayssidestep
move.b templeftkey,tempslkey
move.b temprightkey,tempsrkey
move.b #255,templeftkey
move.b #255,temprightkey
move.b templeftkey,d7
tst.b (a5,d7.w)
beq.s .noleftturn
sub.w #10,d3
move.l #KeyMap,a5
move.b temprightkey,d7
tst.b (a5,d7.w)
beq.s .norightturn
add.w #10,d3
cmp.w d1,d3
ble.s .okrspd
move.w d1,d3
neg.w d1
cmp.w d1,d3
bge.s .oklspd
move.w d1,d3
add.w d3,d0
add.w d3,d0
move.w d3,PLR2s_angspd
move.b tempslkey,d7
tst.b (a5,d7.w)
beq.s .noleftslide
add.w d2,d4
add.w d2,d4
asr.w #1,d4
move.l #KeyMap,a5
move.b tempsrkey,d7
tst.b (a5,d7.w)
beq.s .norightslide
add.w d2,d4
add.w d2,d4
asr.w #1,d4
neg.w d4
and.w #8191,d0
move.w d0,PLR2s_angpos
move.w (a0,d0.w),PLR2s_sinval
adda.w #2048,a0
move.w (a0,d0.w),PLR2s_cosval
move.l PLR2s_xspdval,d6
move.l PLR2s_zspdval,d7
neg.l d6
ble.s .nobug1
asr.l #3,d6
add.l #1,d6
bra.s .bug1
asr.l #3,d6
neg.l d7
ble.s .nobug2
asr.l #3,d7
add.l #1,d7
bra.s .bug2
asr.l #3,d7
moveq #0,d3
moveq #0,d5
move.b forward_key,d5
tst.b (a5,d5.w)
beq.s .noforward
neg.w d2
move.w d2,d3
move.b backward_key,d5
tst.b (a5,d5.w)
beq.s .nobackward
move.w d2,d3
move.w d3,d2
asl.w #6,d2
move.w d2,d1
; add.w d2,d1
; add.w d2,d1
move.w d1,d2
add.w PLR2_bobble,d1
and.w #8190,d1
move.w d1,PLR2_bobble
add.w PLR2_clumptime,d2
move.w d2,d1
and.w #4095,d2
move.w d2,PLR2_clumptime
and.w #-4096,d1
beq.s .noclump
bsr PLR2clump
move.w PLR2s_sinval,d1
muls d3,d1
move.w PLR2s_cosval,d2
muls d3,d2
sub.l d1,d6
sub.l d2,d7
move.w PLR2s_sinval,d1
muls d4,d1
move.w PLR2s_cosval,d2
muls d4,d2
sub.l d2,d6
add.l d1,d7
add.l d6,PLR2s_xspdval
add.l d7,PLR2s_zspdval
move.l PLR2s_xspdval,d6
move.l PLR2s_zspdval,d7
add.l d6,PLR2s_xoff
add.l d7,PLR2s_zoff
move.b fire_key,d5
tst.b PLR2_fire
beq.s .firenotpressed
; fire was pressed last time.
tst.b (a5,d5.w)
beq.s .firenownotpressed
; fire is still pressed this time.
st PLR2_fire
bra .doneplr2
; fire has been released.
clr.b PLR2_fire
bra .doneplr2
; fire was not pressed last frame...
tst.b (a5,d5.w)
; if it has still not been pressed, go back above
beq.s .firenownotpressed
; fire was not pressed last time, and was this time, so has
; been clicked.
st PLR2_clicked
st PLR2_fire
bsr PLR2_fall
jsr _ReadJoy2
bra PLR2_keyboard_control
move.l #KeyMap,a5
move.l #SineTable,a0
btst #1,$dff00c
sne d0
btst #1,$dff00d
sne d1
btst #0,$dff00c
sne d2
btst #0,$dff00d
sne d3
moveq #0,d5
move.b fire_key,d5
btst #7,$bfe001
seq (a5,d5.w)
move.b turn_left_key,d5
move.b d0,(a5,d5.w)
move.b turn_right_key,d5
move.b d1,(a5,d5.w)
eor.b d0,d2
move.b forward_key,d5
move.b d2,(a5,d5.w)
eor.b d1,d3
move.b backward_key,d5
move.b d3,(a5,d5.w)
bra PLR2_keyboard_control
jsr PLR2_alwayskeys
move.w PLR2s_angpos,d0
move.w #70,d1
move.w #7,d2
tst.b $61(a5)
beq.s .nofaster
move.w #120,d1
move.w #10,d2
tst.b PLR2_Ducked
beq.s .nohalve
asr.w #1,d2
moveq #0,d4
; tst.b $67(a5)
; bne.s slidelr
tst.b $4f(a5)
beq.s .noleftturn
sub.w d1,d0
move.l #KeyMap,a5
tst.b $4e(a5)
beq.s .norightturn
add.w d1,d0
; bra.s noslide
tst.b $39(a5)
beq.s .noleftslide
move.w d2,d4
asr.w #1,d4
move.l #KeyMap,a5
tst.b $3a(a5)
beq.s .norightslide
sub.w d2,d4
asr.w #1,d4
and.w #8191,d0
move.w d0,PLR2s_angpos
move.w (a0,d0.w),PLR2s_sinval
adda.w #2048,a0
move.w (a0,d0.w),PLR2s_cosval
move.l PLR2s_xspdval,d6
move.l PLR2s_zspdval,d7
neg.l d6
ble.s .nobug1
asr.l #1,d6
add.l #1,d6
bra.s .bug1
asr.l #1,d6
neg.l d7
ble.s .nobug2
asr.l #1,d7
add.l #1,d7
bra.s .bug2
asr.l #1,d7
moveq #0,d3
tst.b $4c(a5)
beq.s .noforward
neg.w d2
move.w d2,d3
tst.b $4d(a5)
beq.s .nobackward
move.w d2,d3
move.w d3,d2
asl.w #4,d2
move.w d2,d1
add.w d2,d1
add.w d2,d1
add.w PLR2_bobble,d1
and.w #8190,d1
move.w d1,PLR2_bobble
move.w PLR2s_sinval,d1
muls d3,d1
move.w PLR2s_cosval,d2
muls d3,d2
sub.l d1,d6
sub.l d2,d7
move.w PLR2s_sinval,d1
muls d4,d1
move.w PLR2s_cosval,d2
muls d4,d2
sub.l d2,d6
add.l d1,d7
add.l d6,PLR2s_xspdval
add.l d7,PLR2s_zspdval
move.l PLR2s_xspdval,d6
move.l PLR2s_zspdval,d7
add.l d6,PLR2s_xoff
add.l d7,PLR2s_zoff
tst.b PLR2_fire
beq.s .firenotpressed
; fire was pressed last time.
tst.b $65(a5)
beq.s .firenownotpressed
; fire is still pressed this time.
st PLR2_fire
bra .donePLR2
; fire has been released.
clr.b PLR2_fire
bra .donePLR2
; fire was not pressed last frame...
tst.b $65(a5)
; if it has still not been pressed, go back above
beq.s .firenownotpressed
; fire was not pressed last time, and was this time, so has
; been clicked.
st PLR2_clicked
st PLR2_fire
bsr PLR2_fall
PLR2_clumptime: dc.w 0
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
move.l PLR2_Roompt,a0
move.w ToFloorNoise(a0),d0
move.l ToZoneWater(a0),d1
cmp.l ToZoneFloor(a0),d1
cmp.l PLR2_yoff,d1
move.w #6-23,d0
tst.b PLR2_StoodInTop
beq.s .okinbot
move.w ToUpperFloorNoise(a0),d0
add.w #23,d0
move.w d0,Samplenum
move.w #0,Noisex
move.w #100,Noisez
move.w #80,Noisevol
move.b #$f9,IDNUM
clr.b notifplaying
jsr MakeSomeNoise
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6